Tag Archives: Tim Liardet

Celebrating ‘A Bluebottle in Late October’

I’m very happy that my new full collection A Bluebottle in Late October is now out with V.Press Because of the lockdown, I can’t have a face-to-face launch but here are 5 videos of me reading sample poems. Take a look.
Video Day 1. I’m reading ‘A Minor Crisis’, the first poem in the collection.
video Day 2. I’m reading ‘Fruit’. “the faintest of moons.”
video Day 3. I’m reading ‘Female Nude’. This introduces the narrator’s mother.
video Day 4. I’m reading ‘Easterly’ with chilly atmosphere.
video Day 5. I’m reading ‘In Essaouira’. A drastic change in the weather.

Thank you very much to my publisher, Sarah Leavesley for believing in my book, and to Tim Liardet and Neil Rollinson for their generous affirmations on the book’s cover and for their years of support. Thank you also to everyone else who read and commented on the book.

You can buy a signed copy of A Bluebottle in Late October from me for worldwide delivery via paypal or any card here or directly from the publisher.